M1 mobile sent Lawyer’s letter

18/03/2010 at 5:47 pm | Posted in recommendation | 8 Comments

I just got a lawyer letter from M1 Mobile Singapore. The letter which look like a very thin photocopy paper with dirty envelope says I owe M1 $400 despite many warnings. This is a disputed sum because the usage was not mine. The usage was for a Naruto contest which was supposedly made from my wife’s phone! Why would my wife do that? The M1’s filipino CSO told me to settle it with the service provider. The service provider (Ericson) is a scam.. the name itself a tell tale sign. After refusing to pay the disputed amount, M1 terminated my line.

I had used this number from M1 for 2 decades and suddenly my phone went dead. I had no choice but to go to another service provider but I can’t use my old number because M1 has put it in limbo. This has affected my business because my clients prefer to contact me by mobile. I am disappointed with M1 for causing me so much distress.

Sure… sending a lawyer’s letter to collect debts is nothing new in litigious Singapore… just make sure it is sent to someone who deserves it. Although, I must admit, I have never experienced this before from any service provider. There is no way I am going to pay $400. In fact, if this eventually end up in court, I will counter sue for all the distress that M1 has caused me. Wake up M1… you (and your lawyers) are nobody to scare me. I don’t need you to watch my soccer or use the phone.

As of now, M1 have resorted to use bill or debt collectors.  Come to think of it, I doubt if the first one is really a law firm. It is just unprofessional. All debt collection letters, approximately 5 of them I have promptly placed them in the dustbin upon receipt. haha.



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  1. Hey! Just bumped onto this site. Can I check if u paid m1 in the end?

  2. Not a cent. I am surviving quite well with Singtel and Starhub.

  3. i just receive a legal letter from m1 also. i dont intend to pay cause their service sux. better off with singtel. i hope i will not get into trouble for not paying ><

    • Did you get into trouble in the end for not paying?

      • No. It was a long time ago so I guess they stopped sending me the “reminder” letters

  4. if you really need to go back to M1, then you can get someone else, a relative perhaps to register the contract for you. Then you pay the monthly bills. In fact that’s what I did for my M1 fiber optic broadband.

  5. M1 did the same thing to me – charged for $1300 for data roaming which I did not use, and then told me even if incidental roaming I must pay. I refused to pay a single cent cos’ I did not use it and my SIM card was still stuck on overseas network for 2 days when I was physically back in Singapore with my phone. They offered to reduce the bill from 20 to 50 percent but I refused. Subsequently, M1 issued letter of demand through a lawyer’s office, I called in and explained the whole situation to them. It went away. 1 year later, M1 thru a debt collection company, is requesting for payment of $2300 (an additional $1000). I am going to call this stupid officer-in-charge or go down personally and tell them to go back to their client (M1) to fix this shit. They disconnected my service and terminated my plan becos of their failure and inability to handle this error, and conveniently charged me for it. I have been a loyal M1 customer for over 10 years and this is how they treat me. By the way, MTA has laws governing unsolicited services and the telco has no right to impose charges for unwarranted services.

  6. I am corporate customer.

    1) Till now I have not received M1 itemized bill.
    2) They are charged for Toll free no, because I have made call for
    company training.

    3) From yesterday I am unable to make calls to any nos, Internet not
    working, unable to call even m1 toll free no 1622 (corporate)

    Tomorrow is bill pay date, if my bill not reduced I will not pay the
    4) Please provide m1 email id to directly send email.
    5) Please escalate this to high level.

    Raised feedback on m1.com.sg site but till date no reply, nor call.

    Very pathetic service.. Don’t User M1.. Don’t User M1…Don’t User M1….

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